Monday, October 22, 2012

My Background

From lawyer to dog trainer/dog breeder…? I know it’s not the most obvious career path.  However, if we played “what doesn’t fit” with my life choices, you would see that law school and the legal career was the deviation.  Originally, from Mt. Shasta, California, I was raised in a place where yards aren’t fenced in and kids go barefoot.  Growing up we had a Yorkshire terrier kennel, 2 large mixed breed dogs, several different cats, and 3 horses - animals were an integral part of my life.  When it was time for college my goal was to become a marine biologist.  I wanted to train the dolphins and swim with the killer whales at Sea World.  Apparently, lots of people thought working with the dolphins seemed like a good idea, so about mid way through my degree, I  changed my major from marine bio to general biology.

I am going to blame it on young love, but this is where the wheels fell off the bus.  You see, my college bf was planning on attending law school.  While helping him research schools and areas of law, I realized there is a legal market for someone with a science background in the IP field.  Graduation was coming up fast and not wanting to break up/move apart, on a whim I applied to law school.  Long story short, he didn’t apply, but I did.  I got accepted, graduated law school, passed the bar, and 7 years of practicing law later, here we are.

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